Traffic signs
We abide by the local traffic regulations, observe driving restrictions, obey traffic signs and keep to the speed limits.
When stopping - switch off the engine
When we stop, we switch off the engine of our car. Whether it's at a level crossing, traffic lights or in a parking lot. Leaving the engine running for too long can result in a fine.
Parking / Stopping
We only use signposted public parking spaces. If necessary, we buy a parking ticket. And: When stopping - switch off the engine, even at traffic lights and level crossings.
We respect your privacy. We do not enter private property - not even briefly to take a photo.
Level crossings
We never stop at level crossings. And we don't cross them when the red flashing light comes on.
We only picnic in the designated areas.
We do not leave any waste behind. In order to preserve our beautiful nature, we dispose of our waste in the designated waste garbage cans. Cigarette butts also do not belong in the countryside or on the street, but in ashtrays.
Wildlife protection zone
We respect the wildlife protection zone
Traffic and general rules of behavior
- We don't drive on mountain roads, but there are numerous mountain railroads available to us in the Jungfrau Region. We follow the traffic signs and do not blindly rely on map services such as Google Maps, as these are not always correct.
- We only use signposted public parking spaces. And we buy a parking ticket if necessary.
- When stopping - switch off the engine, also before traffic lights and level crossings.
- Whenever possible, we use the designated crosswalks to cross the road. If necessary, we take children by the hand and/or pay special attention to them near the road. Drivers, on the other hand, must respect the crosswalks and stop if necessary. Pedestrians have right of way.
- Seat belts are compulsory in Switzerland. All persons in a moving vehicle must wear a seat belt. Children under the age of 12 must sit in a special child seat if they are shorter than 150 centimeters. Children sitting on the driver's or co-driver's lap are prohibited.
- Motor vehicles require a vignette to use the Swiss highways. This costs CHF 40 and is available at all customs offices, post offices, petrol stations and online. The vignette must be affixed to the inside of the windshield. If you are driving on the highway without a vignette or the vignette is not affixed correctly, you may be fined CHF 200.
- The driver of a vehicle may not carry out any activity while driving that makes it difficult to operate the vehicle (do not operate a cell phone, take photos/videos, etc.).
- Parents are liable for their children (for example, if they cause accidents).
- We never stop at level crossings. And we don't cross them when the red flashing light comes on.
- We abide by the local traffic rules, obey the traffic signs and keep to the speed limits.
- We do not enter private property - not even to take a quick photo.
- We do not walk on tall grass. This serves as food for the cows. Trampled grass can no longer be used and deprives farmers of their livelihood.
- We do not leave any waste behind. In order to preserve our beautiful nature, we dispose of our waste in the designated waste garbage cans. Cigarette butts also do not belong in the countryside or on the street. Ashtrays are provided for this purpose.
- We only picnic in the designated areas.
- We do not light fires in the open air.
- We respect nature, people and the environment
- Tickets for public transport must be purchased in advance - at the ticket counter, at ticket machines or online. Anyone traveling without a valid ticket risks a fine.
- We primarily use the GPS coordinates provided by local tourism organizations. Those from map services such as Google Maps and various tourist websites are not always correct.
- Wild camping is not permitted in the Jungfrau Region - with a few exceptions. There are over a dozen official campsites available for camping.